Topic : Delegates in C#: Delegate Overview | Multicast Delegate


A Method can have one or more parameters of different data types, But what if we want to pass a Method itself as a Parameter? How does C# Handle the Callback Method? The Answer is Delegate. C# Delegates are Similar to Pointers to Function in C or C++. Delegate is a reference type data type and it holds the reference of a Method. All the Delegates are Implicitly derived from System.Delegate Class.

Declaring Delegates:

Delegates are used to pass methods as Argument to Other Methods. We Declare Delegate using Delegate Keyword followed by a Method Signature as Shown below.

Access_Modifier  delegate  Return_Type  delegate-name( Parameters);

Delegate declaration determines the Methods that can be referenced by the delegate. a Delegate can refer to a method, which has the same signature as that of the Delegate. For example:

public  delegate  int  MyDelegate( string name);

The Above Delegate can be used to reference any method that has a Single string parameter and return an Int type variable.

Instantiating Delegate:

After Declaring the Delegate, we create the delegate object using New Keyword and be associated with a particular method. When we creating a Delegate, the Argument passed to the New expression is written similar to a method call, but without the Arguments to the method. Consider this example:

public delegate void MyDelegate(string name);
//Instantiating Delegate:
MyDelegate Obj1 = new MyDelegate(Method1);
MyDelegate Obj2 = new MyDelegate(Method2);

Delegates : infobrother

Let's have an simple example here to understand how this delegates work.

/*Example - Delegates - InfoBrother*/

using System;

namespace Delegaters
    /*Delegate will return int type, and will 
       accept only 2 int type parameters: */
    public delegate int add(int x, int y); 

    class Program
        //method with same Delegate Method Signature:
        public static int numbers(int a, int y)
            return a + y;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            add obj = new add(numbers);  //Instantiating Delegate

            int val1 = 10;
            int val2 = 20;

            //using Delegate.
            double result = numbers(val1 , val2);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", val1, val2, result);



Multicast Delegate:

The Delegate can Points to multiple methods. The Delegate that Points to Multiple methods is known as Multicast Delegate. The plus " + " Operator is used to adds a Methods to the delegate object and the Minus " - " Operator is used to remove an existing method from a Delegate Object. consider the Following Example:

/*Example - Multicast Delegates - InfoBrother*/

using System;

namespace Delegaters
    /*Delegate will return int type, and will 
       accept only 2 int type parameters: */
    public delegate int add(int x, int y); 

    class Program
        //method with same Delegate Method Signature:
        public static int ADD(int a, int y)
            return a + y;

        //method with same Delegate Method Signature:
        public static int SUBTRACT(int a, int y)
            return a - y;

        //method with same Delegate Method Signature:
        public static int DIVIDE(int a, int y)
            return a / y;

        static void Main(string[] args) //main method:
            //Instantiating Delegate
            add OBJ;
            add obj1 = new add(ADD);  
            add obj2 = new add(SUBTRACT);
            add obj3 = new add(DIVIDE);

            int val1 = 20;
            int val2 = 10;

             //Using Delegates:
            OBJ = obj1;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", val1 , val2,  OBJ(val1, val2));

            OBJ += obj2;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} = {2}", val1, val2, OBJ(val1, val2));

            OBJ += obj3;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} / {1} = {2}", val1, val2, OBJ(val1, val2));



  • Delegate Overview:

    » Delegates are like C++ function pointers but are type safe.
    » Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters.
    » Delegates can be used to define callback methods.
    » Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event.
    » A method that is going to assign to delegate must have same signature as delegate.
    » Multiple methods can be assigned to the delegate using "+" operator. It is called multicast delegate.
    » We can remove any method from delegate using "-" Operator.

I Tried my Best to Provide you complete Information regarding this topic in very easy and conceptual way. but still if you have any Problem to understand this topic, or do you have any Questions, Feel Free to Ask Question. i'll do my best to Provide you what you need.

Sardar Omar.


