Topic : File Handling » Random Access Files in C# Programming Language:

Random Access File:

In This Tutorial, We are Introduction the concept of Random file Access. Unlike Sequential files, we can access Random Access files in any order we want. Think of data in a Random Access file as we would songs on a compact disc or record, we can go directly to any song we want without having to play or fast-forward over the other songs. If we want to play the first song, the sixth song, and then the fourth song, we can do so. The order of play has nothing to do with the order in which the songs were originally recorded. Random-file access sometimes takes more Programming but rewards our effort with a more flexible file-access method .

Random file access enables us to read or write any data in our disk file without having to read or write every piece of data before it. We can Quickly search for data, Modify data, delete data in a random-access file. We can open and close Random access file same like Sequential files with same opening and closing methods, but we need a few new Methods to access files randomly, we find that the extra effort pays off in flexibility, power, and speed of disk access:

image: Sequential Access Vs Random Access:

The process of randomly accessing data in a file is simple. Think about the data files of a large credit card organization. When we make a purchase, the store calls the credit card company to receive authorization. Millions of names are in the credit card company’s files. There is no quick way the credit card company could read every record sequentially from the disk that comes before Ours. Sequential files do not lend themselves to quick access. It is not feasible, in many situations, to look up individual records in a data file with sequential access.

The credit card companies must use a random file access so their computers can go directly to our record, just as we go directly to a song on a compact disk or record album. The Methods we use are different from the sequential Methods, but the power that results from learning the added Methods is worth the effort.

When our program reads and writes files Randomly, it treats the file like an big Array. with Arrays, we know we can add, print, or remove values in any order. we don't have to start at the first array element, Sequentially looking at the Next one, Until we get the Element we need. We can view our Random-access-file in the same way, accessing the data in any order.

File-Pointer: File-pointer is an special type of pointer that is used to keep track of the current read/write position within the file. when something is read from the file or written to file, the reading/writing happens at the file pointer's current location. By default, when opening a file for reading or writing, the file pointer is set to the beginning of the file. However, if a file is opened in append mode, the file pointer is moved to the end of the file

For doing this all operation, we have just one Important things that we need to know about before Move on. The thing is file-pointer, this File-Pointer move sequentially but we can also make it to move Randomly using some Methods.

Read Data From AnyWhere Within The File:

In Random access file, we can read data from anywhere within the file. We just need to move our file Pointer from where we want to read the data. to move this pointer, C# provide us a simple method Seek() to play with file pointer. using this method we read data randomly. The basic syntax for this method is:

Seek( value    SeekOrigin.Origin); 

  • In Above Syntax:

    » Value is the point relative to Origin from which to begin seeking.
    » Origin specifies the position of file pointer as a reference point for value. it could be three values shown in the table below.

    BeginStart from Beginning of the file. No matter how far into the file we are. using this , we can set the file pointer into the beginning of file.
    CurrentStart from the current position. Using this origin, the file Pointer will start from its current position.
    End Start from end of the file. this origin will set the file pointer at the end of the file. if we use negative sign with value, the file pointer will start moving in backward position.

Let's have an example, where we will use Seek() method to read data randomely. Look at this short and simple example.

/*Example - File Handling: Read from Anywhere within The file - InfoBrother*/

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace FileHandling
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string filename = @"D:\data.txt";  //file name;
            string name = "InfoBrother";  //Name

            //Write Name into The File:
            using (StreamWriter write = new StreamWriter(filename))

            //read from file:
                //Open the file for reading purpose:
                using (FileStream read = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open))
                    Console.WriteLine("In Word " + name);
                    int first = read.ReadByte();
                    Console.WriteLine("The First Character is: \"{0}\" ", (char)first);

                    long length = read.Length;
                    //Move the File Ponter in the middle of the name:
                    read.Seek(length / 2, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    int middle = read.ReadByte();
                    Console.WriteLine("The Middle Character is: \"{0}\" ", (char)middle);

                    //Move the file pointer before one character from the end:
                    read.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.End);
                    int last = read.ReadByte();
                    Console.WriteLine("The Last Character is: \"{0}\" ", (char)last);

            catch(IOException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occur while reading the File: ");


We can Find and Modify our Record.

To Modify Our Record, We can use Replace() Method. This method is a great way to replace easily the parts of string or certain charaters of a String. To use this method, we need to pass two parameters through it, the first will be the character we want to replace, and the second will be what we need to replace with it. The parameters should be in Quotes and separated by comma. The basic syntax for using Replace() is:

    Replace("Find What",  "Replace with");

Whenever We called Replace() Method, it generates a new string in Our code, Which isn't exactly ideal for speed or Optimization, so be sure to use this method only when it's really necessary. It's also worth nothing that the Replace() method will replace every instance of the specified string or characters. Even if we are trying to target the first or second instance of the string, all instances will be replaced.

/*Example - Random Access file - Replace Method - InfoBrother*/

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Modifying
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string message = "A Quick Fox Jumps Over The Dog:";
            String FileName = @"D:\Greeting.txt";

            //Open the file for writing purpose:
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(FileName);

            //Open the file for Reading purpose:
            TextReader tr = new StreamReader(FileName);
            Console.WriteLine("Before=> "+ tr.ReadLine());

            //Using Replace Method
            string str = File.ReadAllText(FileName);
            str = str.Replace("Fox", "Brown Fox");
            str = str.Replace("Dog", "Lazzy Dog");
            File.WriteAllText(FileName, str);

            //Open the file for Reading purpose:
            TextReader tr2 = new StreamReader(FileName);
            Console.WriteLine("After => " + tr2.ReadLine());



We can Delete specific record.

In order to remove some data from the file, we need to create another temporary file. we will read from old file, and will find out the data to be delete. then we write all data into the temporary file, skipping the data that we want to delete. check out the example below to clear your concept.

/*Example - Random Access file - Deleting Record - InfoBrother*/

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Deleting
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String Old = @"D:\OldFile.txt";  //existing file:
            String New = @"D:\NewFile.txt";  //New file:

            string line = null;
            //find this line and delete it:
            string line_to_delete = "My Name is Omar"; 

            //read all text from old file:
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Old))
                string chr;
                while((chr = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("From Old File: => " +chr);

            //Open old file for reading purpose
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Old))
            {     //Open new file for writing purpose:
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(New))
                {      //Read all line till end.
                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    {      //if found "Line_to_delete", ignore the line:
                        if (String.Compare(line, line_to_delete) == 0)
                        //and write other all line into next  file:

            //read all text from New file:
            using (StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader(New))
                string chr;
                while ((chr = sr2.ReadLine()) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("From New File: => " + chr);



Move and Delete Method:

In order to delete some data from the file, We copy all data into the new file except the data that we want to delete. so we delete the old file and can rename new file.

File.Move("New", "Old");

I Tried my Best to Provide you complete Information regarding this topic in very easy and conceptual way. but still if you have any Problem to understand this topic, or do you have any Questions, Feel Free to Ask Question. i'll do my best to Provide you what you need.

Sardar Omar.


