Topic : Indexers in C# Programming Language:


An Indexer is a Special type of Property that allows a Class or Structure to be Accessed the Same way as Array. Its a new concept in C# to treat an Object as an Array. The Indexers are Usually known as smart arrays in C# Programming. Indexer is similar to a Property. As with Properties, we use get and set Accessor to access and manipulate the Private properties of class. same like the Property, we use these set and get accessor with Indexer to Obtain a value from the Object itself, rather to Obtain a specific data member in Properties.

Defining Indexer:

The simplest version of an indexer is the One-Dimensional type just like an array. A One-Dimensional Indexer accepts a single value between the Square brackets when used. The Syntax used to declare the indexer is similar to that used to define the Property however, instead of defining a Property name, the Accessors are Declared for this[] as follows.

Access_Modifier  Return_Type this[ Parameter_Type    index ]   

     //Return the Value specified by index:

     //Set the value Specified by index:


  • In Above Syntax:

    » Access_Modifier is the Access Scope of the Members and can be Private, public, protected or Internal.
    » Return_Type determines the type of information that will be returned when the indexer is Queried. it could be any valid C# type.
    » This is the keyword in C# to indicate the Object of the Current Class.
    » The Parameter_Type specifies the data type of the indexer itself. it could be Any valid C# Data Type.
    » The Index is the Variable name containing the index value that can be used during processing of the Get and Set Accessors.
    » get , a property accessor is used to return the value of the type Return_Type.
    » set , a Property Accessors is used to Write indexers.

Different Between Indexers and Properties

We use Set and get Accessors to returns or sets a Particular value from the object Instance.We use set and get accessors to return or set a Specific data members.
To Define the Indexers we use this Keyword along with array access operator ([ ]) which refers to the object instance.To define the Property, we use to define it with names.
Indexers are accessed using Indexes.Properties are accessed by their names.
Indexer are instance members, so can't be static.Properties can be static as well as instance members
A get accessor of an indexer has the same formal parameter list as the indexer.A get accessor of a property has no parameters.

Let's have an Example to know, how we can implement an Indexer, and how to use it.

/*Example - Indexers - InfoBrother*/

using System;

namespace Indexers
    class Program
        static public int size = 10;
        private string[] Names = new string[size];  

        public Program()     //constructor:
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                Names[i] = "Seat Available";

        public string this[int index]  //Indexers.
            get   //Get accessor:
                string temp;
                if(index >= 0 && index < size)
                    temp = Names[index];
                    temp = "";
                return (temp);

            set   //set accessor:
                if(index >= 0 && index < size)
                    Names[index] = value;

        static void Main(string[] args)  //main method:
            Program data = new Program();  //Object
            data[0] = "Sardar Omar";
            data[1] = "Taimur Parvez";
            data[2] = "Muhammad Ammar";
            data[3] = "Ayesha Sarwar";
            data[4] = "Sana javed";
            data[5] = "Jessa Rose";

            Console.WriteLine("INFOBROTHER TEAM MEMBERS: ");
            for(int i=0; i < Program.size; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(">> " + data[i]);


In Above Example, first of all we create an string Array Named Names. it is an private Array so external users can't see it. Then in Constructor we fills each element with the word Seat Available using for-loop. The next class member is the Indexer, which is identified by This keyword and Square brackets. and finally using set and get accessor, we set and get the value from the object instance.

The array operator [] is nothing but an indexer implemented in all the data type in C#. For example, string[] is an indexer in the String class.

Overloaded Indexers:

Indexers can be overloaded. Indexers can also be declared with multiple parameters and each parameter may be a different type. It is not necessary that the indexes have to be integers. C# allows indexes to be of other types, for example, a string.

Let's try to overload our above example:

/*Example - Indexers Overloading - InfoBrother*/

using System;

namespace Indexers
    class Program
        static public int size = 10;
        private string[] Names = new string[size];  

        public Program()     //constructor:
            for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                Names[i] = "Seat Available";

        public string this[int index]  //Indexers.
            get   //Get accessor:
                string temp;
                if(index >= 0 && index < size)
                    temp = Names[index];
                    temp = "";
                return (temp);

            set   //set accessor:
                if(index >= 0 && index < size)
                    Names[index] = value;

        public int this[string name]  //Overloaded Indexer:
                int index = 0;
                while (index < size)
                    if (Names[index] == name)
                        return index;
                return index;

        static void Main(string[] args)  //main method:
            Program data = new Program();  //Object
            data[0] = "Sardar Omar";
            data[1] = "Taimur Parvez";
            data[2] = "Muhammad Ammar";
            data[3] = "Ayesha Sarwar";
            data[4] = "Sana javed";
            data[5] = "Jessa Rose";

            Console.WriteLine("INFOBROTHER TEAM MEMBERS: ");
            //Using 1st Indexer with int parameter:
            for(int i=0; i < Program.size; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(">> " + data[i]);

            //using 2nd Indexer with string parameter:
            Console.WriteLine("The Name Sana is Available at Index No: "
                               + data["Sana javed"]);

I Tried my Best to Provide you complete Information regarding this topic in very easy and conceptual way. but still if you have any Problem to understand this topic, or do you have any Questions, Feel Free to Ask Question. i'll do my best to Provide you what you need.

Sardar Omar.


